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Kids Projects at Home

Simple Kids Crafts is a video blog dedicated to reviving the old art of handicrafts for people of all ages. How do oil spills affect aquatic plants? A Miniature Solar Panel Fire Water Balloon Make Clouds in a Bottle Secret Messages Make a Rocket Make a Hovercraft Make an Anemometer Make a Sundial Make a Radio Make an Electroscope Make a Stethoscope Make a Telescope Make a Periscope Make a Camera Bending a stream of water with a comb Lighting a bulb without electricity Simple Motor Cotton Ball Rocks? Salt-Absorbing Art and Science Color Changing Glue Art Baking Soda Clay Oil Sun Catcher Grow a Pineapple Plant! Bead Bowls Wow, what an Air-Gun Funny Diver ! Water boils without fire Ice with Boiling Water Water that boils instantly Water boils in a Paper Pot Soap-driven Boat Pulse Moves Pin Pretty Garden—without Plants Picture made by Fire Magic Pictures Dancing Doll Smoke Goes Down The Dancing Coupl The Umbrella Dance Magic Butterfly Colorful ...

Ruben's Tube

Objectives/Goals  If the smaller the holes on top of the tube would it differ from the size of the flames and the volume? If I drilled the holes 1/2inch from each other, then how about if I do it in a differ measurement will it change any part of the experiment?  If I use a smaller tank of propane verses a bigger tank of propane will it make a difference to the size of flame that will be emitted from the tube? What if I want to measure the wavelengths of the soundwaves is it possible to measure it with the use of an algebraic equation to figure out the solution?  Methods/Materials Ventilation Ducting Brackets x2 Propane Tubing Hose T Connector Hose Splicers x2 Latex Sheets Scrap Wood Drill Hammer Tape Measure Knife or Scissors Silicone Sealant Epoxy Putty Duct Tape Masking Tape Teflon Tape Results  1 The smaller the hole the less gas escapes the tube but there's more pressure inside the tube thus the emitted flame is more defined.The bigger ...

Seeing Through the Haze

Objectives/Goals   My objective was to find out how light of different wavelengths penetrates smoke. The hypotheses that I tested were that light penetration through smoke is independent of the a) type and b) amount of smoke it passes through.  Methods/Materials  Two different types of smoke were obtained by burning canola oil and juniper needles. A beam of white light was passed through the sample of smoke, and the amount of light at different wavelengths transmitted through the smoke was measured with a homemade spectrometer. An attempt was made to control the amount of smoke (high, medium or low density) per sample.  Results  The two different types of smoke did not have the same pattern of light transmission. At high densities (Approx. 20% light transmitted) canola oil smoke allowed more light of blue wavelengths to pass through.  However at lower densities transmission of reds was equal to blue and yellow and green were less f...

Chill Out

Objectives/Goals  To study if distance between warm bodies placed together and then apart affects their cooling rate. Methods/Materials I studied the cooling rate of one warm body with respect to the cooling rate of two bodies and then three bodies touching the maximum surface area. Then I studied if placing the warm bodies at a distance from one another would affect their cooling rate and what that affect would be. Glass bottles of equally warm water were used to simulate the warm body and temperatures of the bottles were taken over time at equal intervals (2-10min.).  MATERIALS LIST   Three glass bottles of exactly the same size and shape; Three laboratory thermometers scaled up to 200°F;  Metal Pot;  Stove Top;  Plastic Wrap;  One Timer;  Measuring cup;  Grid sheet with intervals of one(1) inch;  Towel;  Oven Mitts.  Results  # The triple bottles touching retained the most heat over ti...

The CD Balloon Hovercraft

Purpose My purpose is to see how far a CD balloon hovercraft will go with a push, compared to a push with air under the hovercraft sustaining it. Hypothesis I think that a hovercraft with air sustaining it will go farther with a push rather than pushing a hovercraft with no air sustaining it. Apparatus balloon CD strong glue pop-top  lidruler Method 1) Put the balloon over the pop-top lid. 2) Open the pop-top lid and blow through it, blowing up the balloon, then closing it. 3) Put some strong glue (I used a glue gun) around the bottom rim of the pop-top lid and glue it to the center of the CD, cover the hole. 4) Push opens the pop-top lid, and the hovercraft glide! Observations 1) I placed the hovercraft on a level table and gave it a slight push. The distance was 40 cm. 2) I pushed the hovercraft again, this time with air sustaing the hovercraft. The distance was 77 cm. Conclusion My hypothesis was right. ...

Lick Your Wounds Away

Introduction There are two types of wounds: closed wounds and open wounds. A closed wound is a wound that happens under the skin and may cause internal bleeding. An open wound is a wound where the skin is broken and foreign material can get into the wound. A wound such as this can be a scratch or a cut. An open wound can get infected where as a closed wound cannot. When the skin is broken an open wound is formed. Wounds can sometimes get infected and the infection can get serious if not treated properly. Infections may result in death. Normally, the skin acts like a barrier and will keep bacteria, viruses, and germs from getting into your body. When bacteria enters the body through an open wound, they will start multiplying quickly. A person can get infected as long as the wound stays open. When a wound occurs, a blood clot will develop. The blood clot will then form a scab which will eventually come off once the skin is repaired. This will stop any further bacteria fro...

The Metronome of a Chemical Reaction

Objectives/Goals  The objective of this project was to test the effect of temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction. I thought that reaction rates would increase with increasing temperature. Methods/Materials Sodium Thiosulfate, Potassium Iodide, Potassium Bromate, Hydrochloric Acid, distilled water, and 2-3 drops of soluble starch were mixed to start the chemical reaction.  When the reaction reached a certain point, the solution would turn blue. To compare the speed of the reaction at different temperatures, the time taken to reach the color change was measured with a stopwatch (in seconds).  All of the reactants were cooled or heated to the appropriate temperature before they were mixed to ensure accuracy.  The experiment was conducted at three temperatures: room temperature (19.5 degrees Celsius), in an ice bath (4.5 degrees Celsius), and in a heat bath (30.5 degrees Celsius).  Results  The results of the experi...

The Magic of Metal Corrosion

Objectives/Goals  Analyze the corrosive behavior between metal fully submerged in liquid versus metal partially submerged and determine whether corrosion reacts similarly when using three types of liquid: An acetic acid, a sodium bicarbonate solution, and salt water. I hypothesized that metals fully submerged will have more corrosion and that the metals will react similarly when tested in different liquid solutions, whether partially or fully submerged.  Methods/Materials  Six-inch strips of aluminum, brass, copper, and iron were cut into two-inch pieces and placed in three different types of liquid: An acetic acid consisting of one cup of full strength white vinegar; a sodium bicarbonate solution consisting of two teaspoons of baking soda dissolved in one cup of distilled water; and salt water produced by dissolving one cup of distilled water with 8 grams of sea salt. Each strip was divided into a 3x5mm hand drawn grid to track and measure the rate of corro...

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